It's been a week since the last update, which is a while in software land. It seemed appropriate to give you guys an update, even though there's not been much progress.
First things first. I've already mentioned I updated HaRET with support for the QSD8x50 SoC which can be found in our beloved HD2 devices. I've updated HaRET with two new commands, the SETBITP and SETBITV which makes it easier for me to play with GPIOs. There are probably other uses for it too. Let me know what you find it useful for. You can find the source in git and look here for the latest binary for HaRET.
Regarding Linux on the HD2, there's not been much progress. Besides having lots of other stuff to do, I first wanted to get the graphical driver to work, msm_fb. However I've been running into problems with the MDP driver, which is needed for the msm_fb. The interrupt handler causes a problem, which results in the device having to handle a bad interrupt. As the MDP interrupts are very frequent, this must be solved first. I've been given some ideas by cr2 to check out, one of which is that this caused problems on the Raphael as well. So I should be able to learn from that. Also codeaurora has some patches which could be useful to check out.
If this MDP stuff drags on for too long, I might skip it temporarily and check out usb, sdcard and other things first. I'm someone that loves to see progress, and not just get stuck on something.
Some of you have volunteered to test kernels. As of yet I don't see the neccessity for it yet. When there are proper kernel builds, which actually do something useful, there'll be test versions out.
That aside, if you're a developer, you can of course help by checking out the sources and giving it a go yourself and sharing your results. Once a git is up with my changes so far (I know, it's taking a while already), that'd be a nice starting point. Also you're welcome to join #htc-linux on freenode.

First things first. I've already mentioned I updated HaRET with support for the QSD8x50 SoC which can be found in our beloved HD2 devices. I've updated HaRET with two new commands, the SETBITP and SETBITV which makes it easier for me to play with GPIOs. There are probably other uses for it too. Let me know what you find it useful for. You can find the source in git and look here for the latest binary for HaRET.
Regarding Linux on the HD2, there's not been much progress. Besides having lots of other stuff to do, I first wanted to get the graphical driver to work, msm_fb. However I've been running into problems with the MDP driver, which is needed for the msm_fb. The interrupt handler causes a problem, which results in the device having to handle a bad interrupt. As the MDP interrupts are very frequent, this must be solved first. I've been given some ideas by cr2 to check out, one of which is that this caused problems on the Raphael as well. So I should be able to learn from that. Also codeaurora has some patches which could be useful to check out.
If this MDP stuff drags on for too long, I might skip it temporarily and check out usb, sdcard and other things first. I'm someone that loves to see progress, and not just get stuck on something.
Some of you have volunteered to test kernels. As of yet I don't see the neccessity for it yet. When there are proper kernel builds, which actually do something useful, there'll be test versions out.
That aside, if you're a developer, you can of course help by checking out the sources and giving it a go yourself and sharing your results. Once a git is up with my changes so far (I know, it's taking a while already), that'd be a nice starting point. Also you're welcome to join #htc-linux on freenode.
Goed werk man! het zou echt geweldig zijn als we ooit android krijgen op onze hd2's :D